Autohenge, Ontario


photo from, with permission

Before there was Carhenge, there was Autohenge. Built in 1986 by artist William Lishman at the request of Chrysler for a commercial, it stood proudly on the Canadian landscape for 5 years until it was removed. There is some evidence that suggests Lishman would consider creating anotherAutohenge if he could raise the money.


Maybe it’s just us, but these pictures seem to have caught something melancholy and magnificent. Its history is interesting. How many Stonehenge replicas have been sponsored by major corporations? May that happen more and more!!

We’re nearing the bottom of the list of large replicas. A handful more and then we’ll just be posting small ones. This seems to us to be a good example of a grand tradition. Maybe the Canadian government could give Lishman a grant!

Score: Look at that picture at the top. 8 druids, at least!

P.S.: We do not plan to list Cadillac Ranch, Truckhenge, or Airstream Ranch, as they just are not hengy enough.

12 thoughts on “Autohenge, Ontario

  1. Pingback: Exploring Gravel in Durham - East of Purple Hills - An Athlete's Blog

  2. Pingback: 12 giant roadside attractions | Field Notes: The Turo blog

  3. we were there during the harmonic convergence,The Harmonic Convergence is the name given to the world’s first synchronized global peace meditation, which occurred on August 16–17, 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System.

  4. I don’t know that. Maybe they can help you at the William Lishman website.

  5. This commercial was done by Grant Tandy Advertising in Toronto. I was the Account Director ( Ray Neuman) and the creative director was Peter Jerrid. I lost my only copy of the commercial and have been trying to get in touch with Peter for years but cannot find him. I’m sure he would have a copy. I would love to hear from anyone you was involved with this commercial or was at Grant Tandy in the 1980’s . Grant Tandy was merged into the Toronto office of BBDO in 1987 My email address is

  6. Hi, if anyone has the actual commercial that was shot there, please post it.
    I actually was the production manager on the shoot and was involved through the whole process of the construction and so on. It was built for the launch of Chrysler’s K-car, everyone remembers that one?


  7. If you want a really good look at it, check out the video from Canadian band The Northern Pikes called “One Good Reason”. It was filmed there.

  8. Thank you. I vacillated between hengy and henge-y and decided to go for it. It IS a difficult question, but our decision is that machines half stuck in the ground in a straight row just isn’t a henge. It’s kind of cool, but you have to draw the line somewhere. It’s a slippery slope from there to Cars on a Spike, which is clearly not a henge of any kind.

    Pyramid replicas would be a separate blog, the way I see it. Feel free, by the way!

  9. “Hengy” excellent usage….but what is “hengy enough”? Difficult question. have you though of doing a series on pyramid replicas? Would they be “hengy enough.”
    Autohenge is a new one for me.

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